How to Speed Up Your Computer with Simple Steps

Friday, 28 June 2013 | comments

Steps to Speed Up Your Computer for Better Performance

If your computer is slow and it crashes most of the time, then know that there are several reasons why it is slow.

My PC is slow then what should I do?

Sometimes it may be simply that the presence of several unnecessary files on your computer or the presence of dust on the equipment makes your slower machine, this is why we need to identify the problem to solve.
So what can you do?

The viruses

First check that your computer is safe and there are no viruses or malware that can slow down your PC by scanning all files on your operating system.


 Dust clogs the vents causing overheating and automatic slower processor. Cleaned gently with a vacuum cleaner is often yields dramatic results.

Defragmentation and disk scrubbing

Try to clean your PC regularly using CCleaner, it deletes junk files. After you can defragment your hard disk that increases the speed of your pc. Warning do not try to defragment a hard disk with less than 15% free space, first made household.

Uninstall unwanted programs

Always try to uninstall programs and software that are no longer used.

If your machine is still slow even though you have followed the above recommendations, you can:

Increase the virtual memory space

To do this go to Computer-> System Properties -> Advanced and click performance  settings -> Advanced and increase the value of the virtual memory.

Use dedicated software to CPU cooling

There are a lot of software to improve the functioning and performance of your machine.

I have selected SmartPCFixer , a popular software in managing the processor but also in solving problems of disk fragmentation, malware, Windows registry, drivers and obsolete devices and Windows errors.

Programs that slow Windows startup

If you have dozens of software that start, it can slow down your pc.

Click Start and type the command msconfig  in the Start tab you would find a list of all the programs that run at startup. Uncheck the boxes in front of the software that you want to disable.

Turn off Windows faster

Easily save precious time when you turn off your computer. Do Start> Run and type regedit .

Go to the directory HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl Panel , once this level, click the "Desktop" folder.

It opens in the right pane. Right click on it and create a new string value named "  AutoEndTasks ".

Double-click it and set it to "1 value". Restart.

If your machine is still slow then there is the last method is format your pc especially if you use your PC more than 3 years, it may be infected by problems that reduce the speed of your computer.

If you have any Computer Tips, send to us to share them here behalf of you.
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